Meet the Board and Staff

David Millin

My career within the motor industry led me to the United Arab Emirates where I was involved in after sales management. It was in the UAE during the mid-nineties that I started flying three-axis microlights and when I returned to Devon I continued flying at Dunkeswell. I joined an independent company distributing and wholesaling SCUBA diving equipment, eventually carrying out a management buy-out. It remains one of the most significant participants within the recreational diving industry and has certainly honed my management skills.

I joined the Devon Strut and later moved on to SEP types (I own a Jodel) and became a member of the Strut committee. I have served as Chairman for a number of years and represented the Strut during the days of the National Council. My interest is focused towards grass root flying, encouragement of the Struts, plus the equitable control of airspace, without which recreational flying will wither and die.

October 2018

Photography (mostly) Neil Wilson

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