Meet the Board and Staff

Tim Hardy

Apart from a life-long interest in all things aviation, I have worked for the last twenty years or so in Airport Operations having held the Aerodrome Licence at various London airports. Latterly my focus has been on Air Traffic Management and in particular the research, development and deployment of emerging Single European Sky technologies and protocols. I am also the co-chair with John Brady of FASVIG, the Future Airspace Strategy VFR Implementation Group, who’s remit includes challenging the structure, extent and access through controlled airspace for general aviation.

I own a Van’s RV-4 which I have worked on extensively over the past 5 years, following attendance at the LAA ‘Working with Aluminium’ course and I am now in the process of building a Sling 2; an aluminium kit plane designed in South Africa.

1st December 2018

Photography (mostly) Neil Wilson

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