Chiltern Park Aerodrome

Radio Frequency:


01491 875 200 (office hours)

[email protected]


* Information not to be used for detailed flight planning - please check details with airfield or current chart

A friendly grass airfield. Use runway 04/22 unless told otherwise. Set amongst the lovely Chilterns, not far from Wallingford.  Although primarily for microlights, it is suitable for light aircraft. Join on the permanent dead side to the East of AD at 1000ft, and descent to circuit height. No fuel available.  Located within the RAF Benson MATZ, there can be busy helicopter activity during the week.  Call Benson 120.90 and then calls to Chiltern Radio on 134.025. There may be no reply – so make blind calls. PPR please on above number.

Chiltern Park Aerodrome is a private airfield near Ipsden in Oxfordshire. It is within RAF Benson's Military Aerodrome Traffic Zone.

The airfield was established in 1988, and caters for gyroplanes, microlights, helicopters, and gliders, as well as general aircraft. In 2013 it became the weekend home of London Parachute School.

Photography (mostly) Neil Wilson

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