Oaksey Park Airfield

Radio Frequency:


01666 577 130

[email protected]


* Information not to be used for detailed flight planning - please check details with airfield or current chart

One of the England’s best kept airfields is open all week.  Only use main runway 04/22 unless told.  The airfield is situated app 3nm SE of Kemble, just outside the Kemble ATZ; for this reason there is no "deadside" to the circuit pattern which is shown in the charts section.  Because of local noise sensitive areas, no circuit flying is permitted; except as dictated by the requirements of good airmanship. Similarly, departures from runways 04 & 22 should make a 15 degree right turn as soon as this can be accomplished safely. An AGCS is established on frequency 132.225, although this is not always manned. Local attractions are the Cotswold Water Park (taxi needed) and  nearby pubs are located in Oaksey village.

Photography (mostly) Neil Wilson

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